Monday, December 1, 2014

In the Holiday Spirit!

I've been thinking a lot about the holidays since they are steadily approaching.

When you're a kid, it's so exciting because presents and such and it's not that it's lost as an adult but the excitement dissipated for me. With university, it was more of an excitement to go home and fill up on food and catch up on sleep and now that uni is over, the excitement was still there but it felt different this time.

This time I'd been away on my own, doing big girl things as I call it: working a full-time job, living by myself. So going home, felt comforting and like an actual vacation. Seeing friends made me the happiest because we just wanted to be in each other's company.

I have felt very happy and energetic today and I think it's because it's the beginning of a new month and the last month of the year at that! It's an opportunity to finish anything you wanted to do this year and in my case, just continue to carry this energy. Of course, some days will be tough but I think it's important to just take things day by day. That was one of my mottos of the year and I believe I've done pretty well so far.

Let's see what tomorrow brings!


Betty :]

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